Member-only story
What if? Your Muse is Yelling at You
What if? Your Muse is Yelling and You Ignore Them
I am certain that anybody reading this has had this experience. An idea comes to mind, and it’s so compelling you think, “Oh, I must go right to my computer and write this down.”
Hours later, you are still in another mode and do not write the idea. Shoot, you may have forgotten what that one thing was. Later on, you read online a story about something similar to the topic and the light comes on. “Oh, shoot, I should have written that idea down and published it, now it’s too long. It will look like I am a copycat, now. Oh, well…next time.”
What happens next? Does there become a next time? Listening to your muse when the message comes does not mean you have to jump up and write, in the middle of the night when you need sleep. Noting what the muse is saying, however, is an easy task.
Keeping a notepad by the bed or a micro-recorder or even your phone recorder will allow you to capture the thoughts. The next thing is to act…