Of course I clapped because of your honesty. Robin, you are more than a ray of sunshine in my life. You are the Lucy to my Ethel. I enjoy our virtual play dates. It's often what holds my threads together. As you know, I suffer from depression, I have all my life. It's genetic. And from what you have shared, good chance it is that way for you, too. It sucks. Sucks like the sour pickles, a lemon squeezed down our throats. Add some salt and you have a depression shake. What you did right here is you wrote. That is your lifeline. That is how you get through each day. That and art. And walking. And looking for the snark in life and telling about it. It's a way through the tunnels we are trying desparatly to crawl through. You looked outside your tunnel today. You asked for others to talk about their commonalites. Robin, you do care. You care about yourself and others. And that's sometimes what pushes us to wondering if it is love to let go or love to stick around. I vote that you stick around. That's a vote I will fight for and you know where to find me. You mean something in your life. So many things, really. And when you can't feel the feelings, just be good to yourself. Take a walk. Eat some chocolate. Have a coffee. I will buy you a Kofi or several, just to know you will receive the love that goes with the cups. And speaking of cups. Look at all that water around you when you walk. Mother nature filled those waterways for you. You must have value to this world or you wouldn't see the water. And I want you to see the water.